History buff, martial artist, sometime poet, and geek for most things you’d associate with that word, Rafa is a Colombian-American filmmaker who taps into his eclectic mix of passions to tell deeply personal, character-driven stories exploring life on the margins. When his spare time and spare change align, he writes and directs short films that showcase his desire to blend classic cinematic techniques with modern themes and fresh perspectives. But if he’s known for anything, it would be for some video essays he made on his YouTube channel The Long Take that went viral enough to get reblogged by the A.V. Club.
His current projects include THE AFFLICTION OF LUCY WESTON, a reimagining of Dracula as a surrealist allegory for chronic illness; THE PYRAMID SONG, an indie feature about a disabled teen hitchhiking across the country; and hunting for the perfect vintage word processor on eBay, because every serious writer needs an insufferable quirk.
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(818) 388-0528
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